Lirik Lagu ‘Symphony’ - Jeong Sewoon, OST The Interest of Love

Jumat 30-12-2022,11:36 WIB
Reporter : Rubby
Editor : Rubby

Your shine lights down on my heart

Can't help myself from loving you, oh-oh

BACA JUGA: Pinjol AdaKami Resmi dari OJK, Limit Pinjaman Hingga Rp80 Juta Tanpa Jaminan, Bunga Rendah Cepat Cair

Oh, baby, 'cause you make my heart race and

I just wanna hold you now

It's only you (Only you)

No matter how the life goes

I won't let you go

It's only you

You're the only thing I ever wanted for my life

BACA JUGA:Begini Cara Membedakan Pinjol Ilegal dengan Pinjol Legal Resmi dari OJK, Jangan Sampai Tertipu

Every time I wanna tell you

How I feel about you, babe

I don't know why

Fell into your heart

Every day will you tell me

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