Lirik Lagu Terbaru Milik Maher Zain – Salamullah

Rabu 22-03-2023,17:00 WIB
Reporter : Rubby
Editor : Rubby

(He who came as purifying rain to the hearts)

BACA JUGA:Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu ‘Salam Alaikum’ – Harris J



يا نبي سلام عليكْ 

(O Prophet, peace be upon you)

فاض دمعُ القلبِ وطال الشوقُ إليك 

(My heart overflowed with tears and my longing increased for you)

يا نبي يا نبي 

(O Prophet, O Prophet!)

صلاة الله وسلام الله دوماً عليك 

(May God's prayers and His salutations always be upon you)

BACA JUGA:Lirik Lagu ‘My Hero’ Milik Harris J dan Terjemahan


ميمُ المحبةِ والهدايةِ والسلامْ 

(The M (in your name) is the true meaning of love, guidance and peace)

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