Teranyar! Ini Lirik Lagu 'The Girl That Never Was' Milik James Blunt

Jumat 13-10-2023,05:36 WIB
Reporter : Juli Aulia
Editor : Juli Aulia

PALEMBANG, PALPRES.COM – James Blunt baru saja merilis lagu terbarunya yang berjudul 'The Girl That Never Was'.

Lagu ini di rilis pada Kamis 12 Oktober 2023, melalui kanal YouTubenya.

Berikut lirik lagu 'The Girl That Never Was' milik James Blunt.

BACA JUGA:Lirik Lagu Mengenang Bintang by Sherina dan Derby Romero


Darling I know we talked about it one too many times. How there was something missing in our lives. A little life.


So we tried. It was more than just a twinkle in your eye. 

But some things you just don't get to decide. 

At least we tried.


The first casualty of life is the plan. 

When I look back I'm not even sure that, We were thinking.


Cause somewhere,

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