NCT NEW TEAM Rilis Single Pra-Debut Bertajuk 'Hands Up'! Berikut Liriknya

Kamis 26-10-2023,09:54 WIB
Reporter : Juli Aulia
Editor : Juli Aulia

Make you put your hands up

Make you put your hands up



Ikioi notta daitan ni All right

Roketto de to the top (tonde ike to the top)

Suteppu funde ha~tsu

Koe age moetatsu made

The "fick-y, fick-y, fick-y"

Karada no sumizumi kanji teru yo (I feel)

Bet you wanna

Hitotsu ni naru one

So let me see you fly


Ya, ya, we're ready

So put your hands up (Yeah, Get, it get it)

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