Gambarkan Keindahan Kota Madina! Ini Lirik Lagu 'Medina' Milik Maher Zain dan Terjemahannya

Senin 01-04-2024,03:23 WIB
Reporter : Juli Aulia
Editor : Bethanica

No better place for me, yeah!


Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi (the city of the Prophet)

Medina, Medina

That's where I want to be

Medina, Medina

Medinatun Nabi

Medina, Medina

That's where I want to be

Oh, oh, Medina Medina

Oh, oh, Medina Medina


I wake with the morning light in Medina

Everywhere I see blue skies

Set above these mountains

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