Lewat ‘Children of War’, Abdullah Rolle Suarakan Penderitaan Anak Korban Perang di Palestina

Sabtu 13-07-2024,15:15 WIB
Reporter : Sulis Utomo
Editor : Sulis Utomo

Is there a father in this world who would not defend

Justice and rights till the very end

Where are your jobs where is security

Where is freedom when will you all be free


Oh people of the world

Can we spare a little justice can we spare a little peace

For the children of war

Oh people of the world

Can we spare a little love can we spare a little prayer

For the children of war


There’s not a child in this world who should have to grow up

Living in fear drowning in despair

No child in this world should be deprived of an education

And every child in this world would want to play

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