
Lirik dan Arti Lagu 'Give Me Your Forever' - Zack Tabudlo yang Viral di Medsos

Lirik dan Arti Lagu 'Give Me Your Forever' - Zack Tabudlo yang Viral di Medsos

Lirik 'Give Me Your Forever' - Zack Tabudlo-Youtube Lirik ID-

BACA JUGA:Full Senyum! 3 Shio Ini Diprediksi Akan Hoki Sepanjang 2023

I never knew

It would be possible

For you to be with me


'Cause you loved someone else back in '73

I was so jealous seeing you with him

Oh baby, I know that I can treat you better back in those nights

Oh, you wouldn't cry from his stupid lies

BACA JUGA:‘Pakam’ 10 Bahasa Oncak Palembang Ini Sering Digunakan Sehari-Hari

Oh baby, I was there watching wishing you to be mine

I want you to know

I love you the most

I'll always be there right by your side

BACA JUGA: Jangan Lewat, Pendaftaran PPPK Tenaga Teknis Tinggal 2 Hari Lagi

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