
Gamon Parah! Ini Lirik Lagu 'Bad Idea Right?' Milik Olivia Rodrigo

Gamon Parah! Ini Lirik Lagu 'Bad Idea Right?' Milik Olivia Rodrigo

Lirik Lagu 'Bad Idea Right?' Milik Olivia Rodrigo-Youtube Olivia Rodrigo-


my brain goes ahhhh can’t hear my thoughts

(i can not hear my thoughts) like blah blah blah

(blah blah blah blah blah blah) should probably not

(i should probably probably not i should probably probably not) 


seeing you tonight

it’s a bad idea right? 

seeing you tonight 

it’s a bad idea right? 

seeing you tonight 

it’s a bad idea right? 

seeing you tonight 

fuck it, its fine


yes i know that he’s my ex

but can’t two people reconnect 

i only see him as a friend

the biggest lie i ever said

oh yes i know that he’s my ex but can’t two people reconnect 

i only see him as a friend

i just tripped and fell into his bed


oh yes i know that he’s my ex can’t two people reconnect 

the biggest lie i ever said

i just tripped and fell into his bed 

my brain goes ahhh

can’t hear my thoughts 

the biggest lie i ever said 

my brain goes ahhh 

can’t hear my thoughts

i just tripped and fell into his bed *

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