
Makna dan Lirik Lagu NO (Untouchable) - Meghan Trainor

Makna dan Lirik Lagu NO (Untouchable) - Meghan Trainor

Makna dan Lirik Lagu NO (Untouchable) - Meghan Trainor-ig/@meghantrainor-

You need to let it go, uh

Need to let it go, uh

Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no

My name is no, my sign is no, my number is no

You need to let it go, uh

You need to let it go, uh

Need to let it go, uh

Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no

BACA JUGA:Punya KIS Gratis? Kamu Berpeluang Dapat Bansos PKH Tahap 1 dan BPNT Januari 2023, Cek Disini

First you gonna say you ain't runnin' game

Thinking I'm believing every word

Call me beautiful, so original

Telling me I'm not like other girls

I was in my zone before you came along

Now I'm thinking maybe you should go

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