
Artinya Bikin Nyesek! Ini Lirik Lagu 'Loved' Milik B.I

Artinya Bikin Nyesek! Ini Lirik Lagu 'Loved' Milik B.I

Lirik Lagu Lirik Lagu 'Loved' Milik B.I-YT/131online-

Always stretching the truth and

I need to learn to be honest

Eokjiro sumjugil ppun

Heotalhame gatyeonne

I had a love, but I lost it



I just need a look in the mirror

Need a wish in my pocket

Always stretching the truth and

I need to learn to be honest

Eokjiro sumjugil ppun

Heotalhame gatyeonne

I had a love, but I lost it *

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