
Jelang V-League 2024-2025, Red Sparks Tambah Amunisi Anyar

Jelang V-League 2024-2025, Red Sparks Tambah Amunisi Anyar

Dua amunisi anyar Daejeon JungKwangJang Red Sparks, Son Hye Jin, dan Jeon Da-bin-IG@red__sparks-

Para fans lokal maupun Indonesia, tampak memenuhi akun Instagram resmi Red Sparks, @ red__sparks

red_sparks_ina: Welcome Jeon Dabin.

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victorapolloam: Congratulations to our new player, Jeong Dabin as OH. Hopefully you have best season in Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks

ariofebrianto: Welkom Dabin and Hyejin.... Salam dari ????????

despur2021: Welcome jeon Dabin.. km cantik banget 

donghahaha: Welcome!

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Since he is the assistant director of Go Heejin, Bead luck followed him.

But this is the last tour.

But I hope Jeon Dabin will show courage when the opportunity to step on the coat comes to Jeong Gwan-jang Sunbun

i_am_ginamii: Player Son Hyejin, I hope you learn a lot from our setters and be registered as an official player next season❤️ I'm rooting for you to play only happy volleyball in the future????????

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