
Part-Time Job, Is it Effective for Indonesian Teenagers?

 Part-Time Job, Is it Effective for Indonesian Teenagers?


JAKARTA, PALPRES.COM – Many Indonesian graduated from Senior High School, and Universities are difficult to get job

One reason is, almost of them has not job experiences when they apply for job in good factory. 

For cover this problem, part-time job is become best alternative. 

So that is way they can get job experience in area that they want to be later.

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Best quality in their student graduated doesn’t guarantee they alumnus capable to work. 

Indonesian can be more better than others countries but they lose in competition world. 

Because they are only lead in theory, but have not serticifate in practical. 

Just lead through They knowledge that they learned in school or university. 

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It is not something new in Indonesia education world that only focus on student grade than they skill. 

And the mind of the “Start work after finish they study at school or university.”

There are many experiences which is relevance with some problems that is explained before. 

Actually may be can illustrate detail. 

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